Thursday, July 1, 2010

Net Worth June 2010

July 1st and it's time to get my finances in order and see where they are.

Yay for upward trending graphs! My net worth currently is -$7,026, up $559 from last month. Still plugging away at those loans. I'm normally able to save more, but this month some large bills came due (insurance and car sticker renewal - yuck!). It was painful to withdraw the money from savings, but on the positive side, I'd budgeted for these expenses all year, so the money in savings was specifically earmarked for these bills. As a result, I didn't have to pull anything out of my actual savings, and over the last few months, I've earned a little interest on it as well.

I'm even more excited by some figures that don't appear on this chart. I've been tracking my debt balances in Excel since January, and over the last 6 months, I've reduced my loans by nearly $2,400, while still managing to beef up savings.

Even though I get discouraged sometimes by how long things seem to take, I'm definitely on my way to being debt-free. It helps when I'm able to see the progress. :-)